Author Archives: Johm Sims

GUEST BLOG: The Big Picture

“The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our life-time”
– Sir Edward Grey – British Foreign Secretary 1905 to 1916

Part of 14-18 NOW, WW1 Centenary Art Commissions, LIGHTS OUT invited artists to create large-scale, site-specific artworks at locations across the UK.
In a dramatic UK-wide event LIGHTS OUT was an invitation to turn off lights on 4th August, leaving on a single light or candle for this shared moment of reflection.  Find Out More here:

 The Big Picture provide virtual candles and other digital resources to mark the occasion. They have video loops of candles and lamps to play back on your tv, laptop or mobile .

This is a part of The Big Picture – a pan-European video installation designed to creatively commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the First World War.

You can view all their resources at