Category Archives: Obituaries

Sylvia Foxsmith (nee Cook) Obituary

Sylvia was born in Plymouth on 22 February 1939, the only child of William “Clifford” Cook and Phyllis (nee Pawlby) (1)

Sylvia with parents

As an only child, Sylvia was very bonded to her cousins on the Pawlby side who lived in Cornwall (Wendy, Penny, and Ian)

The Cook family left  Plymouth sometime after the onset of WW2, but not to escape the blitz- as they moved to Coventry which was equally hard hit by the Luftwaffe. Rather, the move was to facilitate the electronics work that Clifford was engaged in, as a consequence whilst doing important work for the war effort, he avoided armed conflict but did volunteer as an air-raid warden.

SCHOOL: The family stayed on in Coventry, with Sylvia attending St Joseph’s primary and later Barrs Hill girls school, until “O” levels. (2)

Her best friend at school was Sylvia Baker (3)-two Sylvias in the same class, one a Baker, the other a Cook!  In 1948 Sylvia had rheumatic fever.

One of Sylvia’s favourite memories was a 1951 trip to london for the festival of Britain. 

After Sylvia finished secondary school the Cook family returned to Plymouth. It appears Sylvia left at least one broken hearted suitor behind- subsequently making his way to Devon in a desperate but unsuccessful bid to win her back

In 1955 they were living at 5 Duke St, Plymouth, then by 1959 before eventually settling in a bungalow at 26 Gower Ridge Rd,  Plymstock.  The family ran a shop on Saltash street, near Plymouth’s dockyard, then Clifford opened an electronics shop “RadioParts”-  from where the first television set in Plymouth was sold (4)

Sylvia worked at RadioParts  and enjoyed a lively social life, in the good company of friends (5)

Sylvia passed her driving test (June 1960) 20, Saltash St, and this gave her freedom to roam.

There was also lots of dancing, a string of suitors, and after an earlier engagement that was “broken off”,  it was at the Prince Regent club, Union St in July 1964 that she first met William (Bill) Foxsmith who was in the Merchant Navy.  The initial romance lasted only weeks before Bill was back at sea heading to New York -Sylvia drove to Falmouth to wave him off, and they corresponded during his absence- the letters show that both were very much smitten with each other.

The relationship developed on Bill’s return, despite opposition from Sylvia’s parents, and Sylvia and Bill were married at St Werburgh’s church, Wembury, on 05 October 1966. 

They bought and lived in a bungalow at 77 Staddiscombe Rd (6), where in due course the first two children arrived- Greg (1967) and M. (1971)

Sylvia with two boys, Staddiscombe

In 1977 they moved to Alfred St in Plymouth, and soon after came the arrival of her third and final child, Naomi.

Sylvia Bill and the 3 children

In later years Sylvia was to become a grandmother too (from 2003)

Children and grand-children would often visit Plymouth, especially at Christmas

Health: Sylvia had a terrible bout of Scarlet Fever as a child, missing 3 weeks from school (may 1947) In adult life Sylvia had twice successfully battled cancer- in 1981, and then again in 2016.

Family business: William established himself as a leading antiquarian map and print-dealer at Foxsmith Galleries, Southside St. where Sylvia was a supportive helper.

The shop “Foxsmith Galleries” was open for 20 years, and eventually closed in 2006.


Shortly after William’s retirement, he was diagnosed with Alzheimers, and Sylvia cared for him until his needs were such that he required nursing care. Sylvia visited until William passed away, living independently and maintaining a busy social life. 

Sylvia had many interests, including theatre and literature, being a keen member of a reading club which often convened at her address as well as residential trips, often contributing poetry of her own.

The Government lock-down and restrictions during the pandemic took a big toll, as it did for so many elderly people living alone who were deprived of the social interactions necessary for a meaningful quality of life. 

Sylvia moved to supported accommodation in Yelverton, but after a fall was hospitalised in Derriford during the later stages of Covid. She was there for months, with no visitors allowed. After an attempted return to the supported accommodation, Devon Social Services intervened and moved her for a “temporary assessment” to an abysmal “care” home called Hart Care. There after a period of neglect, her physical and mental health rapidly deteriorated, family were unable to visit, but after an SOS call she was taken by ambulance to hospital, severely dehydrated. 

Thankfully after months of being nursed back to health at the wonderful Tavistock Community hospital, Sylvia with the support of family moved to a decent care home, where she saw out her final days before passing away peacefully in her sleep in February 2023. 

Her funeral was well attended and a celebration of her early life. Appropriately, the service was beautifully conducted by John Sims, a family friend (son of Ann) acting as celebrant.

There were drinks after the service at Ford Park Cemetery visitor centre, where Sylvia had previously volunteered.

Sylvia is greatly missed by friends and family alike. In addition to the three children, she is missed by her grandchildren. 

Sylvia Foxsmith, RIP, 1939-2023

1 William Clifford Cook 20/11/1911-29/12/1987,  Phyliss Joan Pawlby 26/10/1913-29/02/2001

2 St Joseph’s now known as Crackley Hall Barrs Hill pictured below:

3 Sylvia B. married Alan to become Sylvia Sakne, stayed in Coventry, had two children Russell and Sita, who the Foxsmith children knew through childhood. I would love to hear from there but cannot trace- any ideas? GF 

Sylvia F with Greg and Sylvia S with Russell

4. RadioParts- Originally at 63 Old Town St, later Market Way. 

5. These lifelong friends included Frances, whose daughter Tracey was Sylvias god-daughter, Gerry and Malcolm (also godparents), Vanessa, and Ann (both godmothers to Naomi). Also, through William, friends such as John Pickles (god-father to M.)

6. When they first bought, the address was still “Staddon Close”, later renamed to Staddiscombe Rd. The phone number was Plymouth 43563!

7. M. not named in this obituary and no photos, at their request.

In Memoriam: Sylvia is remembered at St Werburghs, and also at Mount Edgecumbe Park (her mother Phyllis Cook is also remembered at Mount Edgecumbe, where her ashes were scattered in 2004) 

Eulogy: Sylvia’s funeral service was held in Plymouth, and well attended by friends and family. The eulogy was written and read by her son M. , an edited version of which appears here:-

My grandparents had a big influence on my mother, their only child,  even for the time.

After ‘O’ levels my mother wanted to carry on studying. But at the same time my grandfather unfortunately injured himself falling off a ladder when setting up a new business. They needed her in Plymouth so she moved to down to help them.

I can still remember her in the shop with shelfs of doorbells and light bulbs batteries, different ‘Radio Parts’.  

It seems that she had a good times in her teens and twenties going out to dances and still retained the friendship of many of those lovely friends until the end.

My mum met my dad at a dance at the ‘Prince Regent’.  My mums friend thought he was a good prospect because he had a Jaguar car, this didn’t impress mum, but he did.

At first there was some resistance to them dating and poor dad wasn’t allowed in the house, but my mum had decided that he was “the one” and he was going to stay, so they got engaged.  My mum told me that when she went to tell my grandparents the good news, her knees were shaking with fear.  At this point my grandfather stood up and said ‘that this silliness has to stop’ my dad was let into the house and their strong influence over her was changed.  Mum and Dad wed at a small but lovely, sweet wedding in Wembury, in 1966.

After the honeymoon their first home was a bungalow in Staddiscombe, they had curtains and carpets but no furniture.  Together they built up a home, and eventually the family moved to the heart of Plymouth.

Alfred St was massive in comparison and a lot or work needed doing to get it fixed up.  It was a busy time with her balancing working in th shop with bringing us up and doing up the house.  For months the hall and front rooms had scaffolding inside so she could reach the cornicing and with painstaking effort scrape years of excess paint off to restore the patterns around the edges of the ceiling.  We didn’t have any hot water for months and my mum managed with a kettle that went up and down 3 flights of the stairs.  It took years to get the house finished but during that busy time she didn’t take her eyes off being a mum, home cooked meals were on the table and although the house wasn’t finished it was clean.  

She was always doing stuff for us.  Greg and I got much better “action man” accessories than most , albeit it home-made – action man clothing and even sleeping bags and pillows! Naomi’s room was equally well set up and mum sorted out ballet and piano lessons for her.As my own friends have confirmed, Alfred St was a “fun” place to be.

One by one we three children left the family home I remember when I left for Canada her falling to her knees holding onto the kitchen bin for support.

I’m proud of my mums forward thinking – she was years ahead of the curve with issues such as the dangers of excess additives in food, re-use and recycling.

Mum ventured into all sorts of hobbies, and enjoyed an active social life, with games evenings and dinner parties, albeit she lacked the ruthless competitive edge required in monopoly, preferring to set everyone up with a Monopoly set than win herself. By contrast, she showed no mercy in scrabble! She read widely, and wrote poems. She tried to help people when she could.  She was very much into family and loved a family reunion.

When her own mother got ill with age, my mum spent a huge effort caring for her.  After her mum died, she only had a short break before my father started to decline and we watched her rearrange life trying to do her best in an impossible situation that became increasingly difficult through alzheimers.

When her husband died, so did a part of her.  An old cancer returned that she dealt with very stoicly, but this with lockdown and other health issues meant she started to decline, until she couldn’t look after herself and moved into residential care. At the last home she was always still pleased to see people and her face would light up when they visited. She passed away peacefully, and is now at peace, re-united with my dad, and looking down with love on her three children, and grand-children -Adam, Nina, Daniel, Darcey and Juno.  

She was very much loved, and is greatly missed.

In memory of Lorraine Constantinou

I am sorry to hear the sad news of the passing of my good friend and former Islington Councillor Lorraine Constantinou. 

Lorraine Constantinou

It was a pleasure to stand for election to Islington Council with Lorraine Constantinou in 2010, and a privilege to serve with her in elected office for the next four years, representing the people of Hillrise ward.

Although I was standing for re-election and Lorraine was a “new” candidate, it was no surprise to me that she secured more votes- an astonishing  2073 votes!

Lorraine was already a popular and respected figure in Hillrise, where she worked for a Tenants Management Organisation (TMO) on the Elthorne estate where she lived and raised her family for 40 years- from it’s inception in fact. 

Born in Dublin, a proud Irish-woman married to her beloved husband from Cyprus , and already a grandmother by the time of her election, it was no surprise that Lorraine was a no-nonsense figure, a community champion who was not afraid to speak her mind, and who got things done. 


I first met Lorraine in 2009 when she fought for residents who had been left without heating on the estate. 

She organised a petition, and joined me in taking the fight directly to the contractors (EPS Energy) who felt the full heat from Lorraine that their incompetence was denying residents.

Needless to say the matter was quickly resolved. 


Lorraine stepped up to fight for Islington Boxing club, securing funding to help them install showers and changing rooms for females- the launch-pad for what grew into the impressive and successful facilities for women and girls at the club.–-women-step-ring-islington-boxing-club

IBC Club CEO Lennie Hagland said “the club send our condolences to Lorraine’s family. As local councillor, she helped support this club when we were on the ropes financially. Everyone knew Lorraine as a fighter, but always punching up, and never below the belt. May she rest in peace


Lorraine always spoke her mind, and as Peter Gruner (Islington Tribune) reported after he interviewed Lorraine after her election, she was willing to publicly criticise her “own side” (Liberal democrats) as well as opposing Labour.

 “She is currently battling with her own party at Coalition government level over increased tuition fees and the lack of security of tenure which new council tenants will have. But she is also fighting Labour-controlled Islington Council over the lack of improvements on the Elthorne estate, in Archway, where she lives and works” 

Full interview here:


Lorraine was fiercely proud of the tight-knit  community on the estate where she both lived and worked. She was outraged when the Labour Islington council dismissed the estate by running it down in 2012. Lorraine  said: “I have lived and worked on the Elthorne over 33 years and cannot believe that we have been described effectively as a ‘sink estate’. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s offensive. The council press release is misleading and unfortunate considering the already outstanding resident participation on the Elthorne


Lorraine was a supporter of Elthorne Park, funded a project on the New Orleans Estate, and backed a campaign  to save a popular children’s slide on the Miranda estate that Islington Labour wanted to rip out. ( ) She said “It has got so much character, and it’s the thing that I see kids using and enjoying most when they come to the park. If it goes, the park will lose some of that character” 


Lorraine was a supporter of Sunnyside Community Gardens, and assisted the trustees

Sunnyside Gardens trustees and volunteers, Lorraine centre with red scarf

 She helped secure them a grant of £1500, and after their original building was destroyed in a fire, and was supportive in fundraising for a replacement.


Lorraine passed away peacefully in the Whittington hospital, surrounded by her loving family.

That venue seems appropriate as I remember Lorraine campaigning to save the hospital back in 2013, when it was under threat of closure.

I was fortunate to be able to visit Lorraine at the hospital, where she still had a twinkle in her eye.

A fighter to the very end, Lorraine will be greatly missed. 

My condolences to her family.

Lorraine will not be forgotten.

Lorraine Constantinou, 1945-2023.


Check-mate. A poem in memory of my father

Check Mate: A Poem for my Father

My father was the one who taught me chess.
At the start of the game he held out two hands,
Each hiding a pawn, one white, one black.
I made my selection and prepared for attack.

We played in silent concentration,
His only words “check!” (and, later, “check-mate”)
Fragrant pipe-smoke trailed around the pieces
As I learned the bitter taste of defeat.

Later: Monopoly, and he was always the ship
Sailing round the the board as though still at sea
In Cuba he had played a GET OUT OF GAIL FREE card
Long before he passed Go and then bought his first house.

The family played a board game called Risk
The so-called “Game of Global Domination”
Only much later did I realise
He had already conquered my world.

When I left home I too travelled the globe
With a back-pack and portable chess set.
Only now do I realise what ha had taught me
Not just the rules. I had learned Values.

Now I am the one to teach my sons chess.
I hold out my closed hands
Each with a pawn, one white, one black.
The King is dead: Long Live the King.

Later: Monopoly, and lessons in life
Try not to Go Back 3 Spaces.
So boys, choose a token, roll the dice but remember
Your Grandfather was always the ship.

In Memory of William Foxsmith RIP (04.02.41- 10.03.14)

William Foxsmith Obituary

Obituary for My Father

Dad (known by almost everyone as Bill) was born in Hinckley, Leicestershire on 04 February 1939 and was christened William Ernest FOX (his father’s name.

His father William Fox senior was a bit of a character. He had served in the Royal Navy (pictured below) He was already married and living with his wife and family on the Isle of Wight when he left his wife and children and eloped with another woman.


My father never knew of his siblings from his father’s marriage, and I only found out when the first version of this obituary was published, and surviving family members got in touch. As a result I have met family members that I never knew of growing up. They are wonderful, and I have learned much about them and my grandfather who abandoned them-but that is another story.

The woman with whom William left the Isle of Wight was Hilda Prouten (nee Bewell)  (pictured below)

Hilda was also married at the time (to George Prouten, married 1934 on IoW, lived on Moncton St) and when she left the Isle of Wight for Leicestershire with William, she left her husband but took her young son from that marriage (Roy)

They lived at “Dewhurst”,  Barwell Lane, Hinckley, and by virtue of both being married but not to each other, Dad was born “out of wedlock” . Dad was christened at Hinckley Parish Church on 12/04/1941. Younger brother Richard (my Uncle Dick) was an addition to the family, but when Dad was two his father William drowned (in a swimming accident in a local quarry)  and so the boys were brought up Hilda (known as “H”)

Hilda left Leicester with the three boys to head South to Dorset, where they lived in rural poverty. By his 4th birthday Dad was living at Somerset Cottage, Horton (near Ilminster)

At one point they were staying in an alms house, for which privilege Dad’s mother had to scrub the stone floors of the church on her hands and knees. Dad was no fan of the church or organised religion.

The family moved around in Dorset several times, and would holiday on the Isle of Wight.  At some stage Roy moved back to the Isle of Wight permenantly to live with other family members. In later years he was estranged from the younger siblings, and so I never met him.

Hilda was closely bonded with her sister Esme (who lived in Taunton, with husband Stan and children Andrew, Rob, Julie (dad’s cousins)

Dad with his younger brother Dick went to school at Lyme Regis Grammar school.  Dad was a fast runner, running the mile for the County and setting a school record.
When Hilda re-married William acquired a stepfather, Jack SMITH, and then another brother (Nick). Dad later combined the names FOX and SMITH and the FOX-SMITH family name was created. (The surname has been used both with and without a surname, in my own case without)
Aged 16, Dad left home and went to Navigation school in Plymouth, and then joined the merchant Navy:-

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He made several voyages on the Sussex Trader (pictured above) a trading ship also known as a Tramp Steamer. In 1963 he sailed to a hurricane-hit Caribbean, and then in 1964  he set sail as navigator to New York (arriving around the same time as the Beatles, whose music was on every radio station at that time) on the John W Mackay , a cable laying ship, which was hard and dangerous work. His crew-mates were a motley bunch including the 3rd engineer who was ex-foreign legion and had served prison time in at least three Countries, and the 2nd officer had been on trial at the Old Bailey for running an un-seaworthy passenger yacht without insurance.

 He whiled away his free time on voyages playing chess, Ludo and poker, and writing letters, including to Sylvia whom he had recently met in Plymouth (see below) For six years he travelled the World visiting the US, China, Japan and Cuba amongst other Countries. In Cuba, he was arrested and spent a night in prison. It’s a bit unclear what offence he had allegedly committed (probably smuggling cigarettes) or how he came to be released (although I did find a record of payment for a “bail bond” by the ship’s captain)  but it was a typical escapade for Dad who loved adventure. Dad’s brother Nick has a memory of watching their mother putting pins in a world map on the kitchen wall every time they received a card from a country Dad visited when at sea. I have found postcards, letters or diary entries showing visits to the following ports: Safi, (Morocco) Suez Canal (several visits) , Leghorn (South Africa), Genoa, Venice, Capetown, Orient beach (East london, SA) and Aden.

Dad’s Mum died when he was still at sea. He was not able to return for the funeral. Over 30 years later he found a “memory box” with some keepsakes and mementoes from his sea-faring days. Not realising what it was, he began reading aloud the letter he had received from his brother Dick which broke the news of their mother’s death,and it moved him to tears. It was the only time I ever saw him cry.

Dad met my Mum (Sylvia) in July 1964 and they were married in Wembury Church on 05/10/1966.

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His first “land” job was selling encyclopaedias, and then he worked with Mintex (a Company selling brake and clutch linings) as a salesman and later as manager of the Plymouth depot.
He had been framing pictures- self taught – as a hobby, and now became self-employed doing that professionally.
He had also formed an interest in silhouettes, which he began collecting and became something of an expert. (He later became involved in the Silhouette Club)
Eventually he opened his shop on Southside Street, The Barbican, selling antique maps and prints. The shop “Foxsmith Galleries” was open for 20 years, and eventually closed in 2006.

Dad was renowned for his honesty and good business ethics, never broke his word or a contract, and had great integrity. His word was his bond, and most deals were done on a handshake. He disliked debt, and was beholden to nobody. He worked hard, and in order to provide for his family, put business before pleasure.
Dad loved antiques and fine art, good company and good wine.
He enjoyed classical music which could always be heard in the basement at home where he was framing pictures, or in the shop.
He had a great sense of humour, and a good sense of adventure. He loved sailing and wind-surfing, but was equally happy to try his hand at anything adventurous from para-gliding to stock car racing to bungee-jumping.
Dad didn’t tolerate fools gladly, and disliked snobbery and pretentiousness.
He hated hypocrisy. He had no airs and graces and could mix easily in any company.
He had a wide circle of friends. Most of all he loved his family. There were three children- myself,  M.   and Naomi (below, with Dad on her wedding day)

Mum and Dad first lived in a small bungalow in Staddiscombe (near Plymstock) and then moved to Alfred Street on Plymouth Hoe.
We holidayed as children in Butlins, and many years later in France,catching the ferry from Plymouth to Roscoff and driving to a campsite.

Sadness at Dads death is tempered by the happiness that he was released from the hell of his last few years. Sadly, in truth we lost Dad a few years before his passing to the cruel disease of Alzheimer’s, the early onset of which robbed him of a peaceful retirement.

Dad was a towering figure for me, and an important influence on my life.
He was there for my significant birthdays, my graduation, was a witness at my wedding, and once came to see me advocating in Court. I inherited or learned from him some qualities that have stood me in good stead as a defence lawyer-a sense of fairness, and an innate sympathy for the underdog.
I admired him very much, and am sorry that his early departure deprived his grandchildren of spending time with him, and he with them.

Dad had a great love of board games.
He taught me chess. We played for years and years before I won a game. Dad wasn’t one to let you win. But at least when I eventually did, I knew it was on merit. Winning at chess was a major surprise to me. Like many boys, I believed my father invincible, and not just in chess.

As a family we also enjoyed board  games, particularly Monopoly and Risk, which were extremely competitive but riotous fun.
I played as a child , but was aware if friends or family were staying that games would continue after I was dispatched to bed
Then the drinks would come out, and the games were a backdrop to anecdotes, stories and jokes, with the roar of raucous laughter. These are amongst the memories that we will cherish.

Cheers Dad!


A poem for my father

In Memory of William Foxsmith RIP (04.02.41- 10.03.14)

The family were grateful for the many condolence cards, supportive messages, anecdotes and photos sent to the family.
“A vibrant and infectious zest for life (Nigel F.)
entertaining, knowledgable and fun to be around” (Matt Tiller)
He ran his business so well,always kind and courteous”(Jenni)
“No-one will forget Bill” (Vanessa J)
“Our hearts are sore at the passing of our dear friend Bill. We will always value our friendship” (Gerry and Malcolm)
I held the most tremendous admiration for Bill,his humour, stories, knowledge and skills….” (Simon B.)
we are surrounded by memories of Bill as there isn’t a room in the house that hasn’t either a picture from the Gallery or framed by Bill” (Jane and John Green)

“This card (pictured below) shows one of the many precious prints which adorn my walls and which Bill found for me”


a wonderful entertaining host!” (Viv and Brian)
A lovely human being, a delightful neighbour and friend with a great sense of fun and generosity of spirit” (Elaine and Adrian)
Bill was a fantastic man.” (Sarah and Tony)
“Bill was a delight to work for” 
“The spirit which he evoked-one of friendship, challenge and investigation” (John Pickles)

Ros offered these lines from Shakespeare (Anthony to Cleopatra):-
the miserable change now at my end
Lament nor sorrow at,
But please your thoughts
In feeding them with these my former fortunes

An anecdote from Malcolm and Gerry:- “Bill loved sailing in Plymouth Sound after work. One evening the tide and wind took him into Mountbatten Pier, and as he had stayed out until the last minute, it had become dark and he had no choice but to land. At that time it was private, R.A.F. property, with landing prohibited. He somehow found the Officer’s Mess and entered in his wet suit [just like James Bond] and persuaded them he was not a spy. He finished at the bar with a pint telling them of his adventures!”

“We are both very sad to hear of the death of your Dad, a great friend of mine and someone I admired very much.” (Richard Walker)

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In Memory of David McIntosh

David McIntosh, criminal defence solicitor and freelance advocate sadly passed away on 3rd February.

I first met David when I started as an Articled Clerk at Edward Fail Bradshaw and Waterson, where David was already a solicitor having completed his articles there a few years earlier. Twenty years later I was Junior Counsel in a case being led by David,  He was a great Advocate, and a wonderful person.

Both of us had completed our criminal training at EFBW under partner Eddie Preston, who writes the following:-

“David McIntosh was born on the 13 October 1962.   In August 1989 he wrote to EFBW to inquire as to Articles to commence in September 1990 and his letter of application refers to a “substantial commitment to legally aided work”.   He maintained that commitment throughout his professional life.  


At his interview on the 21 September 1989 he made it clear that he “wanted to be an advocate”.   He was physically tall and imposing,  always an asset for an advocate!


We soon found him to be a kind individual, GSOH, with a splendid “bedside manner”.   David was Articled to John Lafferty (now HH Judge Lafferty at Snaresbrook Crown Court).    He did his first 12 months in the criminal law department, with Edward Preston.   Thereafter he did litigation, and conveyancing.   Having completed his Articles in September 1992, David was appointed assistant solicitor, specialising in criminal law, and remained with the firm until he left in December 1995 to take up a position with Moss & Co.


Subsequently David joined the firm of Buxton Ryan in Essex.   Mary Buxton had been an employee at EFBW, Gary Ryan also having been an Articled Clerk at EFBW.


Prior to commencing his Articles David had substantial experience working as a homeless person adviser for the London Borough of Camden (1986-1988).  He volunteered as a night shelter worker                 at Centre Point for an extended period of time, and was also the NALGO shop steward for the Homeless Persons Unit.   He was a member of the Homelessness Action Group, and thus over a lengthy period of time had a substantial commitment to assisting the homeless in London.   He was also on a number of committees in support of homelessness.


After David started in the criminal department at EFBW it was noticed that he had a tremendous capacity to “dig up” unusual facts and features about a case – hardly surprising in view of the fact that he had studied medieval archaeology at University College London as an undergraduate.  He completed the CPE before joining EFBW.


He was a great friend to all at EFBW and remained so throughout his professional career.   He remained totally committed to legal aid work, and went on to successfully achieve his aim of being a busy, successful, hardworking advocate, not only in the Magistrates’ Court, but, of course, later in the Crown Court as HRA. He was highly regarded as an advocate by both Tribunals.  He maintained throughout his life his interest in archaeology, and foreign travel and had only recently completed an extensive trip in the Far East.”

In recent years he was working as a consultant and advocate with Evans Bissett solicitors. Pip Evans and Claire Bissett write:-

David died suddenly on his beloved boat, whilst working on his latest Old Bailey trial. He was 52.

David studied archaeology at UCL, and after graduating worked as a housing officer for Camden Council, before embarking on his legal career. David always stayed true to his roots, and despite enjoying his Crown Court Advocacy he never became aloof from clients.

David was a man of fierce intelligence, sharp wit, and enormous compassion with an unconventional outlook on life. Admired, respected and loved by his colleagues, he was one of a kind. The profession has lost one of its best, and we have lost a truly good friend.David, you are sadly missed”

(Full obituary by Pip and Claire can be read on p10 of The Advocate magazine -click this link to download the issue)

David’s funeral was on 4th March. It was an extremely moving service, followed by a wake where many memories and anecdotes were exchanged. He will be greatly missed by his partner Annie, his family, and his many friends.

One of the chosen songs at the service was Into my Arms (Nick Cave) 

Donations in David’s memory may be made to Shelter from the Storm, or CRISIS

Donate at or at


An Obituary for my Father-in-Law

My father-in-law, Ahmet Baboullii, passed away on 19 January 2015.
He was just two weeks short of his 90th birthday.
Ahmet was born in Larnaca, Cyprus on 02 February 1925.
The island was then British run with mixed Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. Ahmet spoke both languages fluently, becoming tri-lingual when he later learned English.
He was originally known as Ahmed Musafa, later taking the Greek name Baboullii.
Ahmets father farmed land and did carpentry, and Ahmet was the eldest of five children (of whom just one brother survives)
He joined the British army, supposedly at 16, although it is possible that he was younger and lied about his age. He initially joined a transport regiment, and served in Egypt, but later became an army PT instructor based back in Cyprus. He retained high level of fitnesses until late in life.
After leaving the army, Ahmet left for the UK in 1955.


He settled in London, and spent the rest of his life in North London, predominately in Islington.
He supported Arsenal Football Club, attending matches at Highbury taking first his son, and later his daughter who remembers standing on a soap-box in the crowd to try and gain sufficient height in the packed terraces to see the action.
He worked in engineering, predominately for an Islington-based company called Ormond Engineering Ltd (based behind Sadler’s Wells)
He married Nasif in 1956 in Liverpool Rd Registry Office. They had two children:- Freddie was born in 1960, and Sonya in 1969.


A man of simple tastes, Ahmet was hard-working, reliable, and a devoted father. He was an excellent cook, and prepared the family meal each day.
Although separated from Nasif in later years and living independently, they remained on friendly terms and he was a regular visitor to see the grandchildren.

Ahmet lived modestly, but wanted for nothing. Everyone remembers him as having a broad smile, and extending a warm welcome (and almost certainly some food and drink) to visitors.


I first met Ahmet in 2000 when I was dating Sonya, and was always made very welcome when we visited. He was a sprightly 75, always had a twinkle in his eye, was a knowledgable football fan and Arsenal supporter, a great cook, and partial to a beer or whiskey.
We hit it off straight away.
My key memories:-
1 Asking his permission for me to propose to Sonya.
2 His phenomenal barbeque in our back garden at Adam’s naming ceremony.
3 Leading the dancing at our wedding.
4 Taking him to the Emirates for his 80th birthday (v Man Utd)
I will miss him.
He will be greatly missed.